Connecting Atom and GitHub

Here's what to do. When you first run Atom, you should a screen very similar to this:

Atom welcome screen

Click on the "Version control with Git and GitHub" thingie, and it will open up into a panel that looks like this:

Atom version control panel

Click "Open the GitHub panel," and another panel will open, with the center like this:

Atom GitHub welcome screen

OK. Now is where we connect with GitHub. Your GitHub Pages screen should look something like this (except the name will be more like instead of upgraded-giggle).

GitHub repo home page

Click the green "Clone or download" button, and in the little popup, click the clipboard-arrow icon over on the right--this one:

GitHub clipboard arrow icon

It probably won't seem like anything happens, but the address of your repository has been copied. Now, go back to Atom, and click the "Clone an existing repository" button. A popup will appear, with a "Clone from" field and a "To directory." Hit paste (Ctrl-V or Command-V, or right-click), and you should see something like this:

Atom clone repo popup

It's a good idea to try to understand where the "To directory" is--it's going to create a folder on your computer with the name of your repository. If you know where you want that to be, change that box. If you're not sure, make a note of what's in that box, and continue. I'm going to put mine on my "desktop," so it looks like

Atom clone repo popup editing

Then click that "Clone" button. After a few seconds, you may see a new folder appear (if you're looking for it), and you'll also see a new "Project" column over on the left. You'll also see a "Log in to GitHub" message; ignore that for now (we'll come back to it in class).

Close all the panels except "Project." (If you mouse over the title bar, a little closing-x will appear, like this)

Atom's panel closing icon

Once you have just the Project panel open, double click on "index.html," and you should see the contents of the file that you created earlier on the GitHub webpage, something like this:

Atom file editing panel

And that's it! (For now) -- we'll talk a little more about what this all means in class.